Seminar  /  05. Dezember 2018  -  06. Dezember 2018

Inspektion und Charakterisierung von Oberflächen mit Bildverarbeitung

Die Inspektion von Oberflächen ist ein klassisches Arbeitsgebiet der industriellen Bildverarbeitung und seit vielen Jahren in mannigfachen Anwendungen bewährt. Die Fortschritte der Technik ermöglichen nicht nur immer höhere Prüfgeschwindigkeiten und kompaktere Systeme, sondern, neben der Auswertung zweidimensional aufgenommener Texturen, auch die vollständige Erfassung komplexer 3D-Oberflächenstrukturen bis in den Nanometerbereich. Darüber hinaus gelingt die schnelle Bewertung farbiger, gemusterter, transparenter, stark reflektierender oder spiegelnder Oberflächen. Im Seminar werden dazu unterschiedliche Prüf- und Analysemethoden vorgestellt.

The seminar »KL-Regelungstechnik« (Kaiserslautern – Control Theory and Control Engineering) is organized by our department as well as several research groups of the TU Kaiserslautern:

  • Technomathematics (Dep. of Mathematics)
  • Mechatronics in Mechenical and Automotive Engineering (Dep. of Mechanical and Process Engineering)
  • Automation Control (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Electromobility (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

The seminar takes place at the ITWM every 1st Tuesday of a month (besides holidays and summer break). Aims are broadening of experiences and exchange of scientific views – also beyond the organizing groups.

Typical subjects of talks are:

  • ongoing or recently finished graduations and doctoral theses
  • current research and projects

The topics vary from mathematical methods to technical implementations. Usually, the talks present research results. However, some show open issues for brainstorming and inputs from the audience.

The seminar »KL-Regelungstechnik« (Kaiserslautern – Control Theory and Control Engineering) is organized by our department as well as several research groups of the TU Kaiserslautern:

  • Technomathematics (Dep. of Mathematics)
  • Mechatronics in Mechenical and Automotive Engineering (Dep. of Mechanical and Process Engineering)
  • Automation Control (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Electromobility (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

The seminar takes place at the ITWM every 1st Tuesday of a month (besides holidays and summer break). Aims are broadening of experiences and exchange of scientific views – also beyond the organizing groups.

Typical subjects of talks are:

  • ongoing or recently finished graduations and doctoral theses
  • current research and projects

The topics vary from mathematical methods to technical implementations. Usually, the talks present research results. However, some show open issues for brainstorming and inputs from the audience.

The seminar »KL-Regelungstechnik« (Kaiserslautern – Control Theory and Control Engineering) is organized by our department as well as several research groups of the TU Kaiserslautern:

  • Technomathematics (Dep. of Mathematics)
  • Mechatronics in Mechenical and Automotive Engineering (Dep. of Mechanical and Process Engineering)
  • Automation Control (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)
  • Electromobility (Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering)

The seminar takes place at the ITWM every 1st Tuesday of a month (besides holidays and summer break). Aims are broadening of experiences and exchange of scientific views – also beyond the organizing groups.

Typical subjects of talks are:

  • ongoing or recently finished graduations and doctoral theses
  • current research and projects

The topics vary from mathematical methods to technical implementations. Usually, the talks present research results. However, some show open issues for brainstorming and inputs from the audience.