JUROJIN Tutorials

»Access specific documnetations even faster«

  • What are the tutorials?

    Tutorials are short documents that contain company and use case specific content. Each tutorial explains how to use Jurojin to solve a specific problem or how to answer a certain question on your data.

    The gap between the full documentation (easily accessible directly from Jurojin) and your own how-to-documents (lying somewhere in a folder) is perfectly filled. Tutorials are specific and very fast accessible without leaving Jurojin.

  • Where can I find the tutorials in Jurojin?

    From Jurojin version 4.1.4 on, there is a direct access in the main menu.

    All available tutorials are listed there. Open them by simple double click and keep them in split screen mode while working with Jurojin.

    Jurojin will remember your last tutorial, making it easy to read on. Finished tutorials can be marked as such.

  • Which format do the tutorials have?

    All tutorials come in the same CHM (Compiled HTML Help) format as the full Jurojin documentation itself. All windows systems will open them on double click. Of course, only in the case, you do not want to start them from Jurojin.

  • Who creates the tutorials?

    Everybody may create such tutorials using a CHM editor (such as Microsoft HTML Help Workshop). ITWM provides the creation of the tutorials as a service.

  • How are the tutorials distributed to the users?

    Jurojin is looking for the tutorials in folder conf/doc in the installation directory. Simply move your tutorials there to make them appear in Jurojin.

    We are delivering the tutorials separately to the installers. Your administrator will then place them to the desired folder. Expenditure of time: one or two minutes.

  • Will other companies see my tutorials?

    No! Splitting the delivery of the tutorials and the software installer was a conscious decision by us. Each tutorial will only arrive at its desired receiver.