Thessaloniki, Greece, Conference  /  October 18, 2023  -  October 19, 2023

2. General Assembly Meeting for the EU EH-Project RELEVIUM

On 18 and 19.10.23 the 2nd General Assemlby Meeting for the EU EH project »RELEVIUM« will take place. 

The »RELEVIUM« project aims to improve the quality of life of patients with pancreatic cancer by optimizing their lifestyle. This optimization takes place in parallel with medical treatment and includes measures such as nutritional programs, physical activity and pain management. The project uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) and digital technologies to help patients self-manage, improve communication with physicians, and create targeted intervention plans. This will be accomplished through the development of smartwatches, mobile applications and a web platform with sensors and AI processes.

The data collected, including information on heart rate variability, electrodermal activity, and pain perception, will be used to create causal medical models that can predict disease progression and quantify the potential improvements from lifestyle changes. 

Overall, »RELEVIUM« aims to provide cancer patients with the best possible quality of life by enabling personalized lifestyle interventions based on AI and data analytics. This will be investigated in a multicenter clinical trial.

The project is funded by the European Union's Horizon 2021- 2027 research and innovation program under grant no. 101057821.