Hamburg  /  May 12, 2024  -  May 16, 2024

ISC High Performance 2024

Trade Fair for High-Performance Computing, Machine Learning (ML), Data Analysis and Quantum Computing

ISC High Performance (until 2015 International Supercomputing Conference or ISC) is an international conference and exhibition that fosters the growth of a global high-performance computing community of technology providers and users.

The annual forum brings together experts from research, business and industry to share visions, ideas and knowledge in the four main areas of the event: High Performance Computing (HPC), Machine Learning (ML), Data Analytics and Quantum Computing.

Among others, our experts Dr. Jens Krüger and Dr. Mirko Rahn, members of the division heads and Dr. Daniel Grünewald, Dr. Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Dr. Arcesio Castaneda Medina, Christian Ortiz and Dominik Loroch of the »High Performance Computing« division will represent the Fraunhofer ITWM on site.

They can be found at our booth L40 with the topics »GaspiLS«, »GPI«, »GPI Space«, »GaspiCxx«, »NASE«, »Quantum Computing/ Quantum Chemistry«, »CARME« and »STYX«.