Profile of Hannes Grimm-Strele

Fields of Activity / Competences

  • Digital characterization of the elasto-viscoplastic damage behaviour of composites
  • Multi-scale methods (FE²)
  • FFT-based methods
  • Grid generation for the numerical simulation of turbomachinery


Collection of the publications of Hannes Grimm-Strele in the Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Microstructural characterisation of 3D printed and injection‐moulded glass fibre‐reinforced polypropylene by image analysis, simulation and experimental methods
Lienhard, Jörg; Barisin, Tin; Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias; Schladitz, Katja; Schweiger, Timo
Journal Article
2023 Automatic generation of high performance material models for long fiber reinforced plastics in crash simulations
Schweiger, Timo; Lienhard, Jörg; Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias
Conference Paper
2023 Aging and Homogenized Mechanical Character of Quasi-Statically Charged Gr-Si and NMC Based Electrodes Using Damage Material Modeling
Ahmed, Shahbaz; Zausch, Jochen; Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias
Journal Article
2023 Investigation of strain rate dependent microscopic failure mechanisms in short fiber reinforced plastics using finite element simulations
Schweiger, Timo; Lienhard, Jörg; Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Hiermaier, Stefan
Journal Article
2022 Materialkarten für FVK-Werkstoffe auf Basis von realen und virtuellen Messungen
Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias; Andrä, Heiko; Schweiger, Timo; Lienhard, Jörg
Journal Article
2021 FFT-based homogenization with mixed uniform boundary conditions
Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias
Journal Article
2021 Efficient Characterization and Modelling of the Nonlinear Behaviour of LFT for Crash Simulations
Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias; Andrä, Heiko; Staub, Sarah; Lienhard, Jörg; Schweiger, Timo; Herd, Olaf
Conference Paper
2019 Solar p-mode damping rates: Insight from a 3D hydrodynamical simulation
Belkacem, K.; Kupka, F.; Samadi, R.; Grimm-Strele, H.
Journal Article
2019 Runtime optimization of a memory efficient CG solver for FFT-based homogenization: Implementation details and scaling results for linear elasticity
Grimm-Strele, H.; Kabel, M.
Journal Article
2019 Efficient characterization and modelling of material behaviour of LFT for component simulations
Grimm-Strele, H.; Kabel, M.; Köbler, J.
Conference Paper
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Other Publications

  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Happenhofer, N.; Kupka, F.; Mundprecht, E.; Muthsam, H.J.; Zaussinger, F.:
    Simulations of stellar convection, pulsation and semiconvection, 2010.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Happenhofer, N.; Kupka, F.; Loew-Baselli, B.; Muthsam, H.:
    A low Mach number solver: Enhancing applicability, 2013.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Kupka, F.; Muthsam, H.J.:
    Curvilinear grids for WENO methods in astrophysical simulations, 2014.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Hanslmeier, A.; Kariyappa, R.; Lemmerer, B.; Thonhofer, S.; Utz, D.; Veronig, A.:
    Two-dimensional segmentation of small convective patterns in radiation hydrodynamics simulations, 2014.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Kupka, F.; Loew-Baselli, B.; Mundprecht, E.; Schiansky, P.; Zaussinger, F.:
    Realistic simulations of stellar surface convection with ANTARES: I. Boundary conditions and model relaxation, 2015.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Kupka, F.; Muthsam, H.J.:
    Achievable efficiency of numerical methods for simulations of solar surface convection, 2015.
  • Grimm-Strele, H.; Hansleimer, A.; Leitner, P.; Lemmerer, B.; Muthsam, H.J.; Veronig, A.; Zaqarashvili, T.:
    Structure of the solar photosphere studied from the radiation hydrodynamics code ANTARES, 2017.