Products and Services

In the fields of activity of the department Transport Processes we develop our own efficient software tools. On the one hand to pass this software on to our customers and on the other hand to concentrate our competences and appear successfully in the field of research and development.

Some important examples are:



Our sophisticated software package cashocs solves shape optimisation problems by providing efficient support for industrial problems and running new design proposals.

AD-Net District Heating

The district heating of the future requires new control strategies and communicative concepts. With our innovative software tool »AD-Net Disctrict Heating«, we dynamically simulates the state of heating networks and optimize their operation in real time.

FIDYST – Fiber Dynamics Simulation Tool

The simulation software FIDYST is a highly efficient software in order to simulate elastic fibers in turbulent fluid flows.


MESHFREE is a software tool in fluid and continuum mechancis developed in cooperation with Fraunhofer SCAI. It combines the expertise in meshfree simulations and scientific computations of the two institutes.

RADEFF – Effective Simulation of Radiative Transfer

We developed a numerical approximation method for the solution of the radiative transfer equation.

LODTa – Light Optimal Distribution Tool

We developed an algorithm that computates the design of the lens which realizes a required light distribution on the screen for a given light source


In cooperation with delta h Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH the software STRING enables an intuitive visualization of steady-state and transient three-dimensional velocity fields.


We have developed special methods and tools to support the design and control of several key aspects of nonwovens production processes with efficient simulations.

VISPI – Simulate Virtual Spinning

VISPI is a simulation software with which a we map and analyse a wide variety of spinning processes.