
An important aspect of our work is the exchange with colleagues about the latest developments in research and the dissemination of our results. For this reason we are regularly attending trade fairs and conferences and present our institute at a booth or in a lecture.

We also organize our own or participate in various workshops or seminars to share our expertise with other. In cooperation with the High Performance Center Simulation and Software Based Innovation, we also frequently offer further education and training courses at our institute.

Upcoming Events

  • Vienna / July 21, 2024 - July 27, 2024

    International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024

    Symbolbild Deep Learning: Gehirn
    © iStockphoto

    The International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2024 is an annual event that focuses on the latest advances in the field of machine learning. Our expert Peter Lorenz from our division »High Performance Computing« will be there for us and will present a poster on his work.

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  • Finland, Jyväskylä / August 05, 2024 - August 16, 2024

    33rd Jyväskylä Summer School

    © iStockphoto

    The Jyväskylä Summer School is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä and offers students interdisciplinary courses in science and IT. Our colleague Martin Bubel from the division »Optimization« will be there to present a poster.

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  • The University Club of Western Australia / September 01, 2024 - September 06, 2024

    IRMMW-THZ 2024

    Hand-held terahertz sensor
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    The International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves this year is taking place in Perth, Australia. Our experts from the Fraunhofer ITWM Joshua Hennig, Mirco Kutas and Shiva Mohammadzadeh from the department »Materials Characterization and Testing« are on site with one presentation each.

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  • Fair, Hamburg / September 03, 2024 - September 06, 2024

    SMM 2024

    MESHFREE Maritime Industry Simulation
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    SMM 2024 is the world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry. This event provides a platform for companies, research institutions and experts from all over the world to present and discuss the latest innovations and technologies in the maritime sector. Our colleagues will be presenting our simulation software MESHFREE at the joint Fraunhofer-Waterborne booth.

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  • The event takes place digitally. / September 10, 2024 - September 12, 2024

    Introduction to MESHFREE

    Meshfree Logo
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    MESHFREE can be used to simulate a wide range of situations as it efficiently adapts to moving geometry elements such as agitators of mixing devices or the movement of free surfaces. In the course, we will give an overview of the tool and show how the software can best support your requirements.

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  • Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM / September 10, 2024, 4.30 – 7.30 pm

    Math Opens Doors

    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    We are opening our doors to the institute fair and presenting our research activities in the areas of energy, health, production, mobility and digitalization.

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  • Benningen / September 11, 2024 - September 12, 2024

    VDI Conference: Tires – Chassis – Roadway

    CDTire/ 3D: Cleat run
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    Every two years, the »Tire - Chassis - Road« conference provides information on innovations in the development and design of tires, chassis technology and road surfaces. Our tire experts Francesco Calabrese and Christoph Burkhart will be there to present our work in the field of »Mathematics for vehicle development«

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  • Darmstadt and Online / September 24, 2024 - September 26, 2024

    MSE 2024

    Projekt »Oho«: Optimierung holzbasierter Dämmstoffe
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    Our colleague Aiswarya Nair Manikantan Geetha from the department »Image Processing« will be on site at the MSE 24 to give a presentation titled »Two-scale geometric modelling of wood fiber insulation boards based on sub-µ synchrotron radiation computed tomography images«.

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  • Berlin / September 24, 2024 - September 27, 2024

    InnoTrans 2024

    Layer Thickness Measurement with Terahertz Waves
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    InnoTrans is an important international trade fair for transport technology that takes place every two years in Berlin and is divided into five sections. This year, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft is taking part with a joint stand, coordinated by the Fraunhofer Institute IZFP and the Fraunhofer Transport Alliance office.

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  • Kaiserslautern / October 10, 2024 - October 11, 2024

    Mathematical Methods in Process Engineering (MMiPE)

    © iStockphoto

    On October 10 and 11, 2024, the »Mathematical Methods in Process Engineering« will take place at the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics in Kaiserslautern. International experts from science and industry will present the latest findings on the digitalization of processes in industrial applications.

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Archives 2017 – 2024

All known fairs, conferences, workshops, seminars or other events with experts of our institute from the years 2017 until 2024.