Latest News

Here we will inform you about the latest research topics, upcoming events and other news of the department.

News from the Department


Short News / 18.06.2024

New Software Release for ToolIP2024

The new demo version of ToolIP2024 is now available for all interested parties. The software for the interactive development of image processing solutions now offers an improved user interface, extended plug-in functions and more powerful algorithms. 


Article in the Magazine »Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit (QZ)« / 06.05.2024

Pandora's Box for Image Data

In the »eQuality« project a team of our researchers is developing a digital defect library that provides synthetic image data for optical inspection with Kl.


Press Release / 24.04.2024

Fraunhofer ITWM Generates Synthetic Data

The »Virtual Inspection Planning« team at the Fraunhofer ITWM and the BMW Group have successfully completed a joint research project investigating the use of synthetic image data, for development of automated surface inspection. This supports the inspection process using Artificial Intelligence and the standardized detection of defects.


Press Release / 26.02.2024

From the Classical to the Quantum World

As part of the Project »Quantum Initiative Rhineland-Palatinate« (QUIP), we organized the QUIP International Winter School on Quantum Machine Learning« (»Quickstart 2024«). Students and young researchers from all over the world as well as industry came together to discuss the latest developments, challenges and applications in this specialized field.

Current Events


Mainz and Online / Hybrid Conference / 10.07.2024

Curious 2024 Future Insight Conference

Our experts will present the results of their work in the projcet »KI_WOOD« at the conference with their poster on the topic of »AI-Based Wood Species Detection in Paper and Fiber Materials for the Control of Global Deforestation«.


Sozopol, Bulgaria / Conference / 07.06. – 13.06.2024

Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics (AMEE)

The conference aims to bring together experts and young scientists to talk about various applications of mathematics in the fields of engineering, physics, economics and biology. Our expert Dr. Ali Moghiseh from the department »Image Processing« is on site at the conference and gives a talk. 


Darmstadt / Hybrid Congress / 24.09. – 26.09.2024

MSE 2024

The International Materials Science and Engineering Congress - MSE 2024 takes place in Darmstadt and demonstrates the potential and cooperation in the field of materials science and engineering. 

Aiswarya Nair Manikantan Geetha from the department »Image Processing« will be giving a presentation on »Two-scale geometric modelling of wood fiber insulation boards based on sub-µ synchrotron radiation computed tomography images«. 


Seoul / Fair / 27.05. – 31.05.2024

WCNDT 2024

Our experts Andreas Keil and Dr Joachim Jonuscheit from the department »Materials Characterization and Testing« and our expert Dr Petra Gospodnetić from the department »Image Processing« will be giving three presentations at the twentieth World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing (WCNDT) in South Korea. In addition to exhibitions, there will also be lectures, meetings and workshops.


Stuttgart / Fair / 23.04. – 26.04.2024

Control 2024

With Control, suppliers and users have a specialist event at their disposal which illuminates all aspects in theory and presents the current global range of usable technologies, processes, products and system solutions for industrial quality assurance in practice.

We will be on site with experts from our departments  »Material Characterization and Testing« and »Image Processing«.


Berlin / Workshop / 22.04. – 26.04.2024

Quantum Technology Professional 2024

The one-week course, which we are organizing in cooperation with Fraunhofer FOKUS, offers an introduction to the basics of quantum computing and the most important algorithms. 

Our experts from the departments »Image Processing« and »High Performance Computing« will be on site.


Hybrid Conference / 20.03. – 21.03.2024


The conference Artificial Intelligence in Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AI in AEC) is part of the conference series for Artificial Intelligence in the built environment.

Anna Nowacka is on site for our department »Image Processing« and will give a lecture on »Deep Learning Based Crack Segmentation in 3D Computed Tomography Images of Concrete«.


Kaiserslautern, Fraunhofer ITWM, Workshops

ToolIP Training Courses

In 2024 - 2025, two workshops on our image processing tool  »ToolIP« will be held, covering the basics of image processing.


For working at industrial and research projects, the department Image Processing is always looking for


  • We offer internships to students and apprentices in technical or natural scientific area
  • As your work requires a period of vocational adjustment, we can only offer internships of one month or longer


BSc/MSc and Diploma Students

  • in mathematically motivated image processing, stochastical geometry and spatial statistic
  • Your field of study is not restricted to mathematics or computer science, but students of physics, engineering or related areas are also invited to apply. We supervise your thesis in cooperation with your university or university of applied sciences (German "Hochschule")


PhD Students

  • We are permanently looking for PhD students. PhD students will gain scholarships according to the DFG guidance.