Latest News

Here we will inform you about the latest research topics, upcoming events and other news of the division »Optimization«.

PhD Students

We are permanently looking for PhD students in applied mathematics or process engineering. The offered doctoral theses are located in the fields of mathematical methods in process engineering and logistics.

Focusing is possible within the following topics depending on the interests of the doctoral candidate:

  • Multicriteria optimization in molecular dynamics
  • Planning of emergency locations under dynamic conditions
  • Optimal allocation of marketing budgets
  • Robust optimization in tactical supply chain management
  • Planning for the harvesting
  • Multicritical mixed-integer optimization for the use of renewable energies





Podcast / 09.07.2024

Our Expert in the »DeCarbon Cast« Podcast

Our expert Michael Bortz of the division »Optimization«, was a guest on the »DeCarbon Cast« podcast. In the episode, he discusses with Thomas Grützner from the University of Ulm why the energy transition is not possible without maths.


Research News / 04.06.2024

Support for Care Staff: Long-Term Care With AI

In the »Care-Integrated Artificial Intelligence in the Professional Care Process« (ViKI pro) project, researchers at our institute together with our partners, enable specialists in the care sector to identify individual care needs and plan appropriate measures with the support of AI.


Press Release/ 16.05.2024

New DFG Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg)

The interdisciplinary program called MIMO – Mathematics of Interdisciplinary Multiobjective Optimization – offers doctoral students the opportunity to combine mathematics and engineering sciences. 

The Fraunhofer ITWM suceeded in bringing such a Research Training Group to Kaiserslautern.


Press Release/ 30.04.2024

Researchers Present the Web Platform »resiLIR«

Incisive events and challenging life circumstances place an enormous burden on mental health. People with a high level of resilience are better prepared for stress and strokes of fate. Researchers have developed the freely accessible web application »resiLIR« in the project »APPWAG«, which allows users to assess and train their personal resilience online.


Short News / 18.04.2024

Digital ID for Innovative Materials

A team from our division »Optimization« is researching sustainable and climate-friendly production and recycling methods for new materials together with partners in the EU project DigiPass. The project promotes the exchange of digital material data between industry and research in order to establish a digital material and product passport.


Press Release / 03.04.2024

Evolution of Synthetic Rubber

Until now, the raw materials for synthetic rubber have largely been obtained from fossil sources. Four Fraunhofer Institutes are now tapping into alternative, bio-based raw material sources in the project »NaMoKau«.


Press Release / 11.01.2024

Mathematics optimizes tours in outpatient care

If the routes are well planned, there is more time for care. A study carried out by our researchers together with the billing service provider ARZ Haan shows just how much potential there is for improvement in route planning.


Short News / 07.12.2023

»Using Digitalization and Simulation to Transform the Chemical Industry«

The article, which appeared in the magazine »CITplus«, reports on the international workshop »Mathematical Methods in Process Industry«, which took place at our institute and was organized by the High Performance Center.


Short News / 16.11.2023

Project »DECIDE« Wins Nationwide Competition

In the competition »Digital Places in the Land of Ideas 2023«, our project »DECIDE: Digital Consulting, Data Integration, Decision Making and Empowerment« wins in the category »Health«.


Shortnews / 28.3.2023

»Corona in RLP – A Wastewater Study«

With wastewater analyses on Corona and the scientific accompanying study »Observation and Early Warning System for SARS-CoV-2 Infections« (»SentiSurv«), scientists of our division »Optimization« and the department »Transport Processes« investigate the transition of the pandemic to endemicity in Rhineland-Palatinate (RLP).


Video Report / 8.3.2023

Getting a Job as a Mathematician

Between strong coffee, dedicated project work, exciting online meetings and new algorithms – ARD alpha Uni accompanied our colleague Dr. Tobias Seidel in his everyday life at Fraunhofer ITWM. This short report makes one thing clear: even at the beginning of their careers, mathematicians change the world a little bit for the better – in line with our motto »Mathematics for a Good Future«. [Only available in German]


Press Release / 27.2.2023

Faster to Reliable PCR Test Result

It sounds fun, but it is serious science, and that is why it is being funded by the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Science and Health: FAST-MoPPS is the name of a new project for the development of mobile PCR tests. Ministerial Director Daniel Stich handed over the funding notification to the two Fraunhofer Institutes involved, IMM and ITWM, in Mainz.

New Projects in the Division

Komplexe Netzwerke in der Trinkwasserversorgung
© Fraunhofer ITWM
Komplexe Netzwerke in der Trinkwasserversorgung

COpt2 – Saving Energy in the Drinking Water Industry

The BMBF sponsored project, H₂Opt, provides prototype software that supports energy efficient design and operation of drinking water plants. It results in energy and cost savings during planning and operations involving the drinking water supply. The software is in daily use at the energy company EWR, located in Worms, Germany. Launched in 2019, a follow-up project is to expand the prototype for the more complex water supply networks in Landau and Jockgrim. We simplify and improve workflows and develop new concepts to prevent water supply shortages. The project is funded by the European Fund for Regional Development (EFRE). Initially, the priority is the investigation of pumping operations because that is where an estimated 30 percent on average can be saved in energy costs.

© Varian Medical Systems

Decision Support for Brachytherapy

In collaboration with Varian Medical Systems, our multi-criteria decision support system has been embedded in the world's leading radiotherapy planning software for cancer patients. Our goal for next year is to make interactive planning available not only for external radiation therapies (IMRT, VMAT) but also for brachytherapy. This therapy directs the radiation source either on the immediate vicinity of the tumor or into the tumor itself, raising new questions that have to be solved, for example, regarding the optimal positioning of the catheter for directing the radiation.



Mainz and Online / Hybrid Conference / 10.07.2024

Curious 2024 Future Insight Conference

Our experts will present the results of their work in the projcet »KI_WOOD« at the conference with their poster on the topic of »AI-Based Wood Species Detection in Paper and Fiber Materials for the Control of Global Deforestation«.


Jyväskylä, Finland / Summer School / 05-08. – 16.08.2024

33rd Jyväskylä Summer School

This Summer School is organized by the Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Jyväskylä and offers students interdisciplinary courses in science and IT.

Our colleague Martin Bubel from the »Optimization« division is on site and presents a poster entitled: »Reusable Surrogate Models for Flowsheet Simulation«.


Freiburg / Symposium / 25.06.2024

Digitalization in the Care Sector

The event shows how Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics can contribute to making everyday care easier, both now and in the future.

Dr Alexander Scherrer, Deputy Head of the department »Optimization in the Life Sciences«, will be on site and give a lecture entitled »Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence in Nursing – Potentials and Limitations«.


Halle (Saale) / Conference / 13.03. – 15.03.2024

National Conference on Infectious Disease Modeling (MONID) 2024

At MONID, interested persons can exchange ideas with experts from the field of mathematical modeling of infectious diseases and the like. Our experts from the division »Optimization« and department  »Transport Processes« will be on site with a presentation and poster.