Latest News at the Institute

Here we collect current press releases, impressions of recent events, publications such as professional articles, professional portraits or interviews in online media or other interesting news. Each department and each division bundles these news according to subject area and interests on the individual pages. There they also provide further exciting information such as job vacancies or upcoming events.

In addition to the latest news, you will find further press releases and publications in our archive.

to all Press Releases


Short News / 23.10.2024

GOR Young Researchers Award

At the annual conference of the Society for Operations Research (GOR), Tristan Becker, Yannick Scherr, Philine Schiewe and Felix Weidinger were honored for their outstanding achievements in the field of Operations Research. Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel represented our institute at the ceremony.


Press Release / 17.10.2024

Digital Twins for Filtration

At FILTECH 2024 in Cologne from November 12 to 14, 2024, Dr. Ralf Kirsch and his team will be presenting innovative approaches to the simulation-based improvement of filter technology.

The focus will be on the challenge of designing digital twins in separation technology more comprehensively by considering the entire process chain. 


Press Release / 10.10.2024

›Frau N. Hofer‹ – 42 Female Scientists in Book Portrait

The book »Forscherinnen im Fokus – Wir schaffen Veränderung« (Female Researchers in Focus – We Are Creating Change) showcases extraordinary female scientists and their personal success stories, with a focus on artificial intelligence. ›Frau N. Hofer‹, as it is abbreviated, inspires women to discover the possibilities in STEM research and to get excited about applied research.


Short News / 09.10.2024


At this years »MINT 4 YOU« event held by the University of Applied Sciences, the motto was »MINT – discover, experience, touch!«. Students had the opportunity to get to know the diversity of mathematics, computer science, natural sciences and technology through workshops.

Our colleague Natascha Jeziorski from the department »Image Processing« supervised one of the workshops. 


Article / Konstruktionspraxis / 01.10.2024

Our Simulation Software in Focus

The current issue of »Konstruktionspraxis« reports on our »MESHFREE« software. The software makes it possible to map complex processes such as aquaplaning or metal cutting precisely and quickly. The article highlights the advantages of the software, which reacts flexibly to dynamic geometries and thus opens up new possibilities in product development.


Podcast Streuspanne / 01.10.2024

New Mini-Series: »Artificial Intelligence and Statistics«

In the first episode of our new mini-series, we examine whether AI is just »glorified statistics«. We explain the terms AI and Machine Learning using specific examples and offer our audience an interactive task: how does an AI recognize a rectangle on a checkered sheet of paper?


New Project / 18.09.2024

Simulations Optimize the Design of Actively Ventilated Face Visors

Our experts are supporting DesCap GmbH in optimizing the design of face shields with the help of simulations.

We report on this exciting collaboration on the project page.


Interview / 17.09.2024

Election Campaigns in Transition – The Role of Modern Technology and Its Impact on Democracy

Secretary of State for the Interior Daniel Stich talks about »Election Campaigns in Transition« in our »Thinking out of the Box« (Blick über den Tellerrand) lecture series. We asked him what attracts him to this topic.


Scholarship Program / 13.09.2024

»Enjoy the time and have fun with the tasks and the exchange!«

Every year, the Felix Klein Academy's Autumn School brings together scholarship holders from different semesters. We talked to Alyssa Mori, Anton Heydenreich and Leonie Kremer about the Felix Klein Scholarship and this year's Autumn School. 


Press Release / 12.09.2024

Doing a PhD in France and Germany

Over the past 13 years, six doctoral students from the Rhineland-Palatinate University of Technology Kaiserslautern-Landau RPTU and our institute have already been able to complete part of their doctoral studies in France – more precisely at the Centre de Morphologie Mathématique de MINES Paris (CMM) as part of the French-German Research Training Group .


Research News / 02.09.2024

Harnessing AI to Fight Global Deforestation

The new EU regulation on combating deforestation requires the species and legal origin of imported timber products to be documented. In order to facilitate this process, we are developing AI analysis software for automatic wood species identification in the project »KI-Wood« together with the Thünen Institute of Wood Research.


Interview / 29.08.2024

»Optimization in the Life Sciences« – Socially relevant, wide-ranging, individual

What challenges does the healthcare sector face? And how can mathematics help? In this interview, Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Küfer and his deputy Dr. Alexander Scherrer talk about their work in the »Optimization in the Life Sciences« department and the progress made so far.


Press Release / 27.08.2024

MESHFREE Simulates Highly Dynamic Processes in Shipping

Together with four other Fraunhofer Institutes, the Fraunhofer ITWM will present its current research results live at this year's world's leading trade fair for the maritime industry SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology) from September 3 to 6, 2024 in Hamburg. In Hall B6 at Booth 327, the researchers will be presenting their solutions.


Short News / 26.08.2024

Support as an AI Pilot

Since 2020, our institute director Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel has been active as an AI Pilot on the topic of »Mobility« for the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

Now, Minister President Alexander Schweitzer has appointed Prof. Dr. Stefan Kramer as the second AI Pilot on the topic of »Biotechnology«.


Podcast Streuspanne / 13.08.2024

Statistics with Left – Happy World Left-Hander Day

What do Caesar, Einstein, Goethe, Curie, Newton, Beethoven, Chaplin and Monroe have in common? Not only were they all famous personalities, they were also left-handed. Today we're celebrating International Left-Handed People's Day – with our new podcast episode and, of course, some curious statistics on the subject.


Press Release / 12.08.2024

Young Researchers Symposium 2024

Doctoral students from Kaiserslautern and Landau used the Young Researchers Symposium (YRS) of the TU-Nachwuchsring at RPTU and the Center for Simulation and Software-based Innovation at the beginning of August to present their own research to a non-specialist audience. The best contributions were awarded prizes with a total value of 6,000 euros.


Interview / 01.08.2024

Quantum Computing: Gold-Rush Fever in Research

What will the computer of the future look like? What opportunities and risks does this technology offer? Our institute director Prof. Dr. Anita Schöbel and Dr. Pascal Halffmann, research coordinator for quantum computing at the Fraunhofer ITWM, talk to Eva Fröhlich from the »Communication« team about the current state of quantum computing research at the Fraunhofer ITWM.


Press Release of the High Performance Center / 17.07.2024

First Place for the Third Time in a Row!

With 28 out of a total of 30 points our High Performance Center once again took first place in this year's ranking of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft's 21 High-Performance Centers. It shows that the close cooperation between university and non-university research leads to outstanding results in Kaiserslautern. 


Publication / 12.07.2024

New German Annual Report 2023/2024 has been published!

In the new annual report, we provide an insight into our research projects and activities, in which our employees have invested their knowledge, experience and passion. »Mathematics as the Key to Health« – we report on this in the cover story of the annual report. Of course, we also take a look at numerous other scientific activities at our institute and present many current projects. 


Podcast Streuspanne / 10.07.2024

Can Benford's Law Disprove Bielefeld?

In the new episode of Streuspanne, we look at Benford's Law. This mathematical principle mysteriously reveals fraud in statistics. Our Streuspanne team investigates whether it puts financial investigators out of work and whether the law can disprove Bielefeld.

[Our Podcast is only available in German]


Podcast / 09.07.2024

Our Expert in the »DeCarbon Cast« Podcast

Our expert Michael Bortzof the division »Optimization«, was a guest on the »DeCarbon Cast« podcast. In the episode, he discusses with Thomas Grützner from the University of Ulm why the energy transition is not possible without maths.


Article in the Handelsblatt / 24.06.2024

Are Floating Communities the Future?

A Handelsblatt article examines the potential of real estate on water to address space issues. Could this be the next big trend in real estate? Our manufacturer-independent energy management system Amperix and our »Green by IT« team are supporting the »Schoonschip« residential project in Amsterdam.


Short News / 18.06.2024

New Software Release for ToolIP2024

The new demo version of ToolIP2024 is now available for all interested parties. The software for the interactive development of image processing solutions now offers an improved user interface, extended plug-in functions and more powerful algorithms. 


Press Release / 14.06.2024

Fraunhofer ITWM at the »Battery Show Europe 2024« in Stuttgart

Battery simulation has been a focus of research at our institute for many years. Quality control has recently been added to this area of research. The focus here is on electrodes and their conductive properties. At the leading trade fair »Battery Show Europe« in Stuttgart, experts will be presenting these innovations in Hall 9 at Booth B85.


Podcast Streuspanne Special / 14.06.2024

Short Episode on the European Parliament Elections

The special is under the bold statement: »There is no shift to the right. Unfortunately. The AfD in the European elections since 2014«. The focus of the discussion: the wording of the media in connection with statistics and why we need a real positive shift.

[Podcast only available in German]


Press Release / 12.06.2024

MESHFREE Wins Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2024

Because highly dynamic processes often cannot be satisfactorily mapped with conventional software, we have developed a solution with the MESHFREE tool that can simulate complex processes cost-effectively. We will be awarded the Joseph von Fraunhofer Prize 2024 for this software.


Podcast Streuspanne / 13.06.2024

Police Crime Statistics and the Narrative of Criminal Foreigners

In this episode, we look at the Police Crime Statistics. These are published by the Federal Criminal Police Office and often attract a great deal of media attention. The data on origin in particular is often used for striking headlines. How can they be put into context?

[Podcast only available in German]


Felix-Klein-Zentrum für Mathematik / 07.06.2024

Math Talent School 2024 – Special Edition Girls-Camp

What does the professional world of a mathematician look like and what is applied mathematics? 18 selected schoolgirls found out at our institute. Our Math Talent School from 3 to 7 June 2024 was organized by the Felix Klein Centre for Mathematics as a girls' camp.


Short News / 05.06.2024

Study on Equity-Based Pensions in Germany

Together with the consultancy firm teckpro, Prof. Dr. Ralf Korn, a member of our Scientific Board, is examining the government coalition's proposal to stabilize the pension system. The study shows that a total capital of several trillion euros is necessary to maintain the current overall level of benefits provided by the state pension system.


Research News / 04.06.2024

Support for Care Staff: Long-Term Care With AI

In the »Care-Integrated Artificial Intelligence in the Professional Care Process« (ViKI pro) project, researchers at our institute together with our partners, enable specialists in the care sector to identify individual care needs and plan appropriate measures with the support of AI.


Podcast »Streuspanne-Lexicon« / 23.05.2024

»Streuspanne-Lexicon« – D for Degrees of Freedom

Today's »Streuspanne-Lexicon« entry is about degrees of freedom. In statistics, they describe the number of independent pieces of information that are included in an estimate. 

In the »Streuspanne-Lexicon«, the team explains the term briefly and concisely. It's worth a listen. [only available in German]


Podcast »Streuspanne-Lexicon« / 22.05.2024

»Streuspanne-Lexicon« – C for Critical Values

Today we continue our »Streuspanne-Lexikon« with the entry »C for critical values«.

Our lexicon is not a regular episode, but a section to refer to small explanations without having to go on and on in a separate episode. The podcast team explains the term briefly and concisely in just a few minutes. [only available in German]


Press Release / 16.05.2024

Doctorate With Application

We and the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau have succeeded in bringing a Research Training Group (Graduiertenkolleg) to Kaiserslautern! The interdisciplinary program called MIMO – Mathematics of Interdisciplinary Multiobjective Optimization – offers doctoral students the opportunity to combine mathematics and engineering sciences.


Podcast Streuspanne / 13.05.2024

Much Buzz About Bias – How Noise Distorts Decisions and Statistics

How much do you earn in rock music? Whether your answer will be »several million« or »that's breadless art« often has less to do with the question itself than with your own individual distortions and errors in thinking – the statistical noise.

The »Streuspanne« team explains this concept in the new episode. [only available in German]


Press Release / 08.05.2024

ISC High Performance Computing

ISC High Performance 2024 is an international conference and exhibition that fosters the growth of a global high-performance computing community of technology providers and users. Our experts from the »High Performance Computing« division were on site at our exhibition stand.


Article in the Magazine »Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit (QZ)« / 06.05.2024

Pandora's Box for Image Data

In the »eQuality« project a team of our researchers is developing a digital defect library that provides synthetic image data for optical inspection with Kl.


Press Release/ 30.04.2024

Researchers Present the Web Platform »resiLIR«

Incisive events and challenging life circumstances place an enormous burden on mental health. People with a high level of resilience are better prepared for stress and strokes of fate. Researchers have developed the freely accessible web application »resiLIR« in the project »APPWAG«, which allows users to assess and train their personal resilience online.


Podcast »Streuspanne Lexicon« / 29.04.2024

»Streuspanne-Lexicon« – M for Mean and M for Median

Today's »Streuspanne-Lexicon« entry is about what you need the binomial distribution for and what it actually is. As usual: explained briefly and clearly – in under five minutes. [only available in German]


Girls'Day 2024 / 25.04.2024

»I Didn’t Know What You Could Do with Math!«

22 schoolgirls from Kaiserslautern, Neustadt, Ramstein and Worms took the opportunity to experience a day at the Fraunhofer ITWM on Girls' Day on April 25, 2024. A varied program including a rally showed the participants the range and atmosphere at the world's largest institute for industrial mathematics.


Press Release / 24.04.2024

Fraunhofer ITWM Generates Synthetic Data

The »Virtual Inspection Planning« team at the Fraunhofer ITWM and the BMW Group have successfully completed a joint research project investigating the use of synthetic image data, for development of automated surface inspection. This supports the inspection process using Artificial Intelligence and the standardized detection of defects.


Short News / 18.04.2024

Digital ID for Innovative Materials

A team from our division »Optimization« is researching sustainable and climate-friendly production and recycling methods for new materials together with partners in the EU project DigiPass. The project promotes the exchange of digital material data between industry and research in order to establish a digital material and product passport.


Press Release / 16.04.2024

State Mathematics Competition Honors 27 Young Talents

27 students from Rhineland-Palatinate successfully took part in the state mathematics competition and prevailed against 72 others. The competition concluded with the award ceremony at our Institute.


Shortnews / 15.04.2024

PhD student Jun Liu receives Best Paper Award

With his paper »Prediction Error-based Model Predictive Control for Resource Allocation of 5G Ultra-reliable Low-latency Communication« our PhD student Jun Liu from the department »System Analysis, Prognosis and Control« received the Best Paper Award at the FICC conference in Berlin. Congratulations to him!


Short News / 11.04.2024

Paper on the Development of Exoskeletons

The paper »Multibody Dynamics and Optimal Control for Optimizing Spinal Exoskeleton Design and Support« by Monika Harant from the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Development« is one of the top 10 most downloaded articles in 2023.


Press Release / 04.04.2024

What To Do with All the Data? – Embedded World

We are working on a hardware-aware NAS (Neural Architecture Search) that brings together several promising technologies.

At the »Embedded World« trade fair in Nuremberg, researchers from Fraunhofer ITWM will present their work at the joint Fraunhofer booth (Hall 4, Booth 422) from April 9 to 11, 2024.


Short News / 03.04.2024

Staking Out the Quantum Frontiers: Results of the »Applied Quantum Computing« Project

The project »Applied Quantum Computing« (AnQuC) will come to an end. The Fraunhofer ITWM's Quantum Computing working group has met with the industrial advisory board, which accompanied the project for two years, for a final summary.


Press Release / 03.04.2024

Evolution of Synthetic Rubber

Until now, the raw materials for synthetic rubber have largely been obtained from fossil sources. Four Fraunhofer Institutes are now tapping into alternative, bio-based raw material sources in the project »NaMoKau«.


Podcast Streuspanne / 27.03.2024

p-Values: Not the Last Word in Wisdom

The new podcast episode is all about »p-values«, also known as empirical significance.

The »Streuspanne« team uses statistics from the Wild West to explain what this is all about and how you can test whether a die is loaded, for example.

The podcast is only available in German. 


Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Their Curiosities / 25.03.2024

»Streuspanne-Lexicon« – B for Binomial Distribution

Today's »Streuspanne-Lexicon« entry is about what you need the binomial distribution for and what it actually is. As usual: explained briefly and clearly – in under five minutes.


Short News / 19.03.2024

Kaiserslautern Is ECMI Node For Two Weeks

The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) has its own blog about news from the European maths community. In terms of content, every fortnight a different place is the so-called »Featured ECMI Node« and is responsible for the news. As of this week, we are posting together with the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU).


Press Release / 18.03.2024

Preparing for the Final Round: One Week Math Camp

A week of competition lies behind 36 mathematical talents from all over Rhineland-Palatinate. The students took part in the Mathematics Camp at the University of Kaiserslautern-Landau (Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau RPTU). The winners were announced at the graduation ceremony at the Fraunhofer ITWM.


Follow-up Report / 13.03.2024

Femtec Excursion: A Day at the Fraunhofer Center in Kaiserslautern

On March 12, 2020, 31 outstanding female STEM students from universities all over Germany visited the Fraunhofer Center in Kaiserslautern. The Femtec network scholarship holders, most of them with an international background, got to know both Fraunhofer Institutes better during a varied program.


Press Release / 05.03.2024

Digital Twin for All Process Steps in Battery Production

Optimizing batteries is one of the most important tasks for industry and science. The simulation of battery models has been part of our daily business for years.

The Ministry of Science and Health is now supporting a new project that models the entire manufacturing process.


Press Release / 29.02.2024

Testing and Analyzing Composite Materials With Fraunhofer Expertise

JEC World describes itself as the »Festival of Composites«, as composites professionals from all over the world gather under its roof in Paris every year. Researchers from the Fraunhofer ITWM will also be there. We present testing and analysis methods for composite materials at the joint Fraunhofer stand from March 5 to 7 2024.


Press Release / 26.02.2024

From the Classical to the Quantum World

As part of the Project »Quantum Initiative Rhineland-Palatinate« (QUIP), we organized the QUIP International Winter School on Quantum Machine Learning« (»Quickstart 2024«). Students and young researchers from all over the world as well as industry came together to discuss the latest developments, challenges and applications in this specialized field.


Podcast Streuspanne / 21.02.2024

The Two Schools of Thought in Statistics

In this episode, the Streuspanne team playfully introduces the audience to the two approaches to calculating probability. On the one hand, Jochen Fiedler slips into the role of Mr. Bayes for Bayesian statistics and on the other hand, Sascha Feth plays Mr. Frequentist, who speaks for the frequentist school of thought.


Podcast »Streuspanne Lexicon« / 16.02.2024

»C for Confidence Interval«

Today, our »Streuspanne-Lexikon« continues with »C for Confidence Interval« (German »K wie Konfidenzintervall«). The team explains in under five minutes: The confidence interval is a range in which an unknown parameter is assumed to lie. The wider this range – or interval – is, the more likely it is that the unknown value will be covered by the interval. This is shown in the podcast using the example of body sizes.


Podcast »Streuspanne Lexicon« / 16.02.2024

»E for Estimate«

What is the mathematical definition of an estimate? And how can I even define something so »imprecise«? In the »Streuspanne-Lexikon«, the team briefly and concisely explains »E for Estimate« (German »S wie Schätzung«) or »E as in Estimator« using the example of the coin toss. 

It's worth a listen!


Interview / 16.02.2024

»Don’t Let the Math Put You Off!«

Max Burr has been an intern in the »System Analysis, Prognosis and Control« department since January 1, 2024. The 24-year-old electrical engineering student will be with us at the institute until the end of March 2024. In this interview, he talks about his time, experiences and activities so far.


Press Relese / 07.02.2024

Saving Energy With Artificial Intelligence

Our experts from three departments and divisions will be presenting their work at the leading trade fair E-world energy & water and demonstrating with innovative projects how mathematical models can contribute to the energy transition and the achievement of climate targets.


Press Release/ 05.02.2024

Completion of the EU Project »ALMA«

In the EU project »ALMA – Advanced Light Materials and Processes for the Eco-Design of Electric Vehicle«, nine European organizations worked on developing more energy-efficient and sustainable vehicles.

The project was completed in February.


Short News Cooperation / 06.02.2024

Optimizing Airlay Technology With Simulation

Nonwovens play a key role in many industries, for example in the automotive and healthcare sectors. In production, simulations help to further develop the important airlay technology for staple fibres. In the ongoing cooperation with bematic® and Siriotek, we are jointly optimising the carding machines in this process.


Short News / 19.01.2024

Alumni Network Meeting 2024

On January 19, 2024, we welcomed our alumni, consultants and ITWM employees to the strategic network meeting at the Fraunhofer Center.

Exciting presentations and pitches awaited them as well as an in-house exhibition where some departments and divisions presented their work.


Podcast Streuspanne / 18.01.2024

Misleading Intuition in Statistics – the Simpson Paradox

In the first episode of 2024, the Streuspanne team looks at a (supposed) statistical paradox. What is the Simpson paradox? How can it influence meaningful data analysis? And how can you avoid falling for it? Listen in:


Press Release / 15.01.2024

Handover of Funding Decision for the eQuality Project

When manufacturing products, it is important to detect even the smallest defects reliably and quickly, preferably automatically. In the »eQuality« project, we are investigating how this process can be improved thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI).


Press Release / 11.01.2024

Mathematics Optimizes Tours in Outpatient Care

If the routes are well planned, there is more time for care. A study carried out by our researchers together with the billing service provider ARZ Haan shows just how much potential there is for improvement in route planning.

Archive: Latest News at the Institute

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