Quantum Technology Professional: Training Courses and Workshops Quantum Computing

Certified Quantum Computing Education

It is important for companies to be prepared for quantum computing in order not to lose the connection when quantum computing offers advantages over classical computers. Quantum Computing has the potential to greatly accelerate applications or even make them possible in the first place. In the 1990s, the theoretical power of quantum computing was demonstrated with Shor's algorithm at exponentially faster integer factorization. Since that time, quantum computers have come increasingly into focus and have been decisively developed in recent years.

Specifically, more research has been done on practical implementation in the last decade and quantum computers have already been made available for use. Due to the flexibility, usability and theoretical advantages, many companies see it as their duty to integrate this new technology into their everyday work and to research its advantages specifically in their own subject area. However, the necessary practical experience and expertise are still often lacking.


Modular Training Program

The aim of the Quantum Technology Professional project is to counteract this and, in particular, to provide application-oriented examples and current research. The result is a modular and continuously expandable continuing education program with the topics »Quantum Computing« and »Quantum Technology«. In addition to the basics, we draw on the profound knowledge of the trainers in the advanced training.

Broad Target Group and Certified Degrees

The training program is primarily aimed at:

  • Software Engineers
  • Data Scientists
  • QC Researchers
  • Technology Scouts

Who should meet minimum requirements in terms of prior programming and mathematical knowledge.
This includes programming skills in:

  • Python
  • Prior Knowledge of Linear Algebra
  • Statistical Analysis

Participants have the opportunity to receive a personal certificate at the end of the training by completing an examination. The certificate is valid as a classification of the level of knowledge as well as a proof of the ability to deal with quantum computers. The participants can use the certificate to present a standardized document for future jobs, which certifies the handling and especially the practical implementation of quantum computing.

Quantum Computing for Industry

Are you a company with several employees interested in a workshop? Feel free to contact us via the contact column and we will organize your own event.

Self-Study Course Quantum Computing

Take advantage of our first free online course, »Quantum Computing – Functionality and Use Cases« and learn the basics of quantum computing.