Latest News

At this point, we report on current topics, dates and other news directly from the division.

Workshops and Seminars

Practical applied research and method development require constant communication with the world of industrial application. This means know-how transfer from the institute to industry as well as feedback from users and calibration of new methods according to their practical relevance.

Of course, this is done in our cooperation projects. But we decided to establish an additional broad and open instrument: Advanced technology courses for engineers in the industry.

We offer the following events at regular intervals:


Chargeable Advanced Training Seminars

Technology Webinars free of charge

Fairs, Conferences and Symposia

The experts of our department regularly attend trade fairs, conferences and meetings and are speakers at the various events.

Here you can find the current dates:


Recurring Seminars

Seminars of the Division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« 2024

This year, the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« is once again offering three further training seminars:


Aachen / VDI Conference/ 25.06. – 26.06.2024

Driver Assistance Systems and Automated Driving

Our experts Tim Rothmann and Dr. Johannes Schwank from our division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« will be on site.

Tim Rothmann will give a presentation entitled »Scenario-Based Validation of Driver Assistance Systems and Autonomous Driving Functions«.


Benningen / VDI-Conference / 11.09. – 12.09.2024

21st VDI Conference »Tires – Chassis – Roadway«

Our tire experts Francesco Calabrese and Christoph Burkhart are on site at the 21st VDI symposium on »Tires – Chassis – Roadway«. They will be presenting their work in the field of »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering«. For example with a scientific lecture.

News and Press Releases


Podcast Streuspanne / 10.07.2024

Can Benford's Law Disprove Bielefeld?

In the new episode of Streuspanne, we look at Benford's Law. This mathematical principle mysteriously reveals fraud in statistics. Our Streuspanne team investigates whether it puts financial investigators out of work and whether the law can disprove Bielefeld.

[Our Podcast is only available in German]


Podcast Streuspanne Special / 14.06.2024

Short Episode on the European Parliament Elections

The special is under the bold statement: »There is no shift to the right. Unfortunately. The AfD in the European elections since 2014«. The focus of the discussion: the wording of the media in connection with statistics and why we need a real positive shift.

[Podcast only available in German]


Short News / 11.04.2024

Paper on the Development of Exoskeletons

The paper »Multibody Dynamics and Optimal Control for Optimizing Spinal Exoskeleton Design and Support« by Monika Harant from the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Development« is one of the top 10 most downloaded articles in 2023.


Kurznews / 19.03.2024

»Featured ECMI Node Kaiserslautern«

Das European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) hat einen eigenen Blog rund um News aus der europäischen Mathe-Community. Alle zwei Wochen ist ein anderer Ort so genannter »Featured ECMI Node« und für Neuigkeiten zuständig. Seit dieser Woche posten wir gemeinsam mit dem Fachbereich »Mathematik« der Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität Kaiserslautern-Landau (RPTU) aus Kaiserslautern. Hier geht’s zur Website inklusive Blog:


Press Release / 05.03.2024

Digital Twin for All Process Steps in Battery Production

Optimizing batteries is one of the most important tasks for industry and science. The simulation of battery models has been part of our daily business for years.

The Ministry of Science and Health is now supporting a new project that models the entire manufacturing process.

Streuspanne – Our Blog and Podcast on Statistics

Our mathematicians and statisticians Sascha Feth and Jochen Fiedler present exciting news, fun facts and interesting background knowledge about statistics, mathematics and our tool Jurojin and their work behind it in the blog and podcast »Streuspanne – Statistik und ihre Kuriositäten«. 

The Jurojin software can be used to plan and statistically evaluate fatigue tests.


Podcast and Blog Overview

Job Offers

Student Assistants

We are always looking for scientific assistants as support in projects from the industry and research.

Master Thesis

Do you have an own idea for a thesis? Also, this is a welcomed alternative. In this case, please submit your proposed topic within an unsolicited application, so that we can assess whether the proposed topic suits in our core competences.

Ph.D. Positions

The division Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering offers Ph.D. positions in various interesting research areas.


more about a career at our institute and current vacancies