Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities

Blog and Podcast

Our blogging mathematicians and statisticians Sascha Feth and Jochen Fiedler present exciting news, fun facts and interesting background knowledge about statistics, mathematics and our tool Jurojin and their work behind it in the blog and podcast »Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities«. With the software Jurojin, operational strength tests can be planned and statistically evaluated.

About our Authors:

Sascha Feth
has been at our Fraunhofer Institute since 2005 and already dealt with mathematical statistics during his doctorate. For many years he has been a lecturer in our seminars, giving interested people an understanding of vehicle development statistics. The questions he answers there are one of the inspirations for the topics of this blog.

His Mission:
»I would like to give engineers an intuitive access to statistics without requiring basic mathematical knowledge. To achieve this, we look at various topics from unusual perspectives.«

Jochen Fiedler 
After studying mathematics with a focus on statistics, Jochen Fiedler joined our Fraunhofer Institute in 2015. Since then, he has been working on statistical methods for the agricultural sector and vehicle development and is also a lecturer in statistical seminars. Since Corona, he has also been blogging regularly – about all kinds of statistical issues that cross his path in private conversations.

His Mission:
»It is important to me not to lose sight of the big picture in the face of all the statistical numbers and measurements. That's why I want to explain how numbers come about and how their meaning could be interpreted.«

  • Podcast / 2024

    Episode 22: Can Benford’s Law Disprove Bielefeld?

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / July 10, 2024

    Podcast Streuspanne: Kann das Benfordsche Gesetz Bielefeld widerlegen?
    © Fraunhofer ITWM / freepik

    In the new episode of Streuspanne, we look at Benford's Law. This mathematical principle mysteriously reveals fraud in statistics. Our Streuspanne team investigates whether it puts financial investigators out of work and whether the law can disprove Bielefeld.

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  • Short Episode of the Podcast on the European Parliament Elections / 2024

    Special: »There Is No Shift to the Right. Unfortunately. – The AFD in the European Elections Since 2014«

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / June 14, 2024

    Europa-Wahlen im Streuspanne-Podcast
    © Fraunhofer ITWM /freepik

    Today's short episode of the Streuspanne podcast is about the European Parliament elections. The special is under the bold statement: »There is no shift to the right. Unfortunately. – The AfD in the European elections since 2014«. The focus of the discussion is – following on from the last episode – the wording of the media in connection with statistics and why we need a real positive shift.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    Episode 21: Police Crime Statistics and the Myth [Narrative] of Criminal Foreigners

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and its curiosities / June 10, 2024

    Podcast Streuspanne: Police crime statistics and the myth [narrative] of criminal foreigners
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    The new Streuspanne episode deals with a hot topic: the police crime statistics – PKS (Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik acronym in German). These are published every year by the Federal Criminal Police Office and often attract a lot of media attention. The data on the origin of the perpetrators in particular is often used for striking headlines.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    »Streuspanne Lexicon« – D for Degrees of Freedom

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Their Curiosities / May 25, 2024

    Streuspanne-Lexikon: F wie Freiheitsgrade
    © Fraunhofer ITWM / freepik

    Our »Streuspanne Lexicon« is not a regular series, but a section to refer to small explanations without having to go on and on in a separate series. Today we continue with »F wie Freiheitsgrade« (English: D for Degrees of Freedom)

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  • Podcast / 2024

    »Streuspanne-Lexicon« – C for Critical Values

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / May 25, 2024

    Streuspanne-Lexikon: K wie kritische Werte
    © Fraunhofer ITWM / freepik

    Today we continue the »Streuspanne Lexicon« with the entry »K wie kritische Werte« (English: C for Critical Values). Our lexicon is not a regular episode, but a section to refer to short explanations without having to go into detail again and again in a separate episode. The podcast team explains a term briefly and concisely in just a few minutes.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    Episode 20: Much Buzz About Bias – How Noise Distorts Decisions and Statistics

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / May 13, 2024

    Streuspanne – Statistik und ihre Kuriositäten: Viel Lärm um Bias – Wie Noise Entscheidungen und Statistiken verzerrt
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    How much do you earn in rock music? Whether your answer will be »several million« or »that's breadless art« often has less to do with the question itself than with your own individual distortions and errors in thinking – the statistical noise.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    »Streuspanne Lexicon« – M for Mean and Median

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Their Curiosities / April 29, 2024

    Podcast Lexikon »Streuspanne« Mittelwert, Median
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    Our »Streuspanne Lexicon« is not a regular series, but a section to refer to small explanations without having to go on and on in a separate series. Today we continue with »M for Mean« and »M for Median«. The Streuspanne team explains briefly why not all »means« are the same.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    Episode 19: p-values – Not the Last Word in Wisdom

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / March 27, 2024

    »Streuspanne«-Podcast: p-Werte: Nicht der Weisheit letzter Sch(l)uss
    © Fraunhofer ITWM

    The new podcast episode is all about »p-values«, also known as empirical significance. The »Streuspanne« team uses statistics from the Wild West to explain what this is all about and how you can test whether a die is loaded, for example.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    »Streuspanne-Lexicon« – B for Binomial Distribution

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Their Curiosities / March 25, 2024

    »Streuspanne-Lexikon« – B wie Binomialverteilung
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    Today's »Streuspanne-Lexicon« entry is about what you need the binomial distribution for and what it actually is. As usual: explained briefly and clearly – in under five minutes.

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  • Podcast / 2024

    Episode 18: Mr. Bayes and Mr. Frequentist Argue About a Lion – What’s Behind the Two Great Schools of Thought in Statistics?

    Podcast Streuspanne – Statistics and Its Curiosities / February 21, 2024

    Streuspanne Podcast Folge: Frequentistische Statistik versus Bayessche Statistik – Ein Gespräch mit Mr. Bayes und Mr. Frequentis
    © freepik / Fraunhofer ITWM

    In the new Streuspanne episode, representatives of the two largest schools of statistical thought face each other in a discussion. The team playfully introduces the audience to the two approaches to calculating probability: on the one hand, Jochen Fiedler slips into the role of Mr. Bayes for Bayesian statistics and on the other hand, Sascha Feth plays Mr. Frequentist, who speaks for the frequentist school of thought.

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