Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2023 |
Aging and Homogenized Mechanical Character of Quasi-Statically Charged Gr-Si and NMC Based Electrodes Using Damage Material Modeling
Ahmed, Shahbaz; Zausch, Jochen; Grimm-Strele, Hannes; Kabel, Matthias |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
1D multiphysics modelling of PEM water electrolysis anodes with porous transport layers and the membrane
Lin, Nan; Zausch, Jochen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2022 |
An efficient semi-implicit solver for solid electrolyte interphase growth in Li-ion batteries
Schneider, Falco; Zausch, Jochen; Lammel, Jan; Andrä, Heiko |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2021 |
Revisiting TiS2 as a diffusion-dependent cathode with promising energy density for all-solid-state lithium secondary batteries
Kim, J.Y.; Park, J.; Kang, S.H.; Jung, S.; Shin, D.O.; Lee, M.J.; Oh, J.; Kim, K.M.; Zausch, J.; Lee, Y.-G.; Lee, Y.M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2020 |
Electro-chemo-mechanical simulation for lithium ion batteries across the scales
Hofmann, T.; Westhoff, D.; Feinauer, J.; Andrä, H.; Zausch, J.; Schmidt, V.; Müller, R. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
MULTIBAT: Unified workflow for fast electrochemical 3D simulations of lithium-ion cells combining virtual stochastic microstructures, electrochemical degradation models and model order reduction
Feinauer, J.; Hein, S.; Rave, S.; Schmidt, S.; Westhoff, D.; Zausch, J.; Iliev, O; Latz, A.; Ohlberger, M.; Schmidt, V. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2019 |
Investigation of the temperature dependence of lithium plating onset conditions in commercial Li-ion batteries
Angeles Cabañero, Maria; Altmann, Johannes; Gold, Lukas; Boaretto, Nicola; Müller, Jana; Hein, Simon; Zausch, Jochen; Kallo, Josef; Latz, Arnulf |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2018 |
Electro-chemo-mechanical simulation of 3D-microstructures for lithium-ion batteries
Hofmann, T.; Westhoff, D.; Feinauer, J.; Andrä, H.; Zausch, J.; Schmidt, V.; Müller, R. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2017 |
Entwicklungsperspektiven für Zellformate von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien in der Elektromobilität
Hettesheimer, Tim; Thielmann, Axel; Neef, Christoph; Möller, Kai-Christian; Wolter, Mareike; Lorentz, Vincent; Gepp, Markus; Wenger, Martin; Prill, Torben; Zausch, Jochen; Kitzler, Peter; Montnacher, Joachim; Miller, Martin; Hagen, Markus; Fanz, Patrik; Tübke, Jens |
Studie Study
2017 |
Stress simulation in lithium-ion batteries
Hofmann, Tobias; Andrä, H.; Müller, R.; Zausch, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2016 |
Numerical simulation of phase separation in cathode materials of lithium ion batteries
Hofmann, T.; Müller, R.; Andrä, H.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2016 |
Numerical simulation of phase separation in cathode materials of lithium ion batteries
Hofmann, T.; Müller, R.; Andrä, H.; Zausch, J. |
Bericht Report
2015 |
Methoden zur Computersimulation von Lithium-Ionen-Akkumulatoren: Die virtuelle Batterie
Zausch, Jochen |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Thermal-electrochemical lithium-ion battery simulations on microstructure and porous electrode scale
Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2015 |
Continuum numerical simulation of multiphase granular suspension flow in the context of applications for the mechanical processing industry
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J.; Zemerli, C. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2015 |
Multiscale modeling of lithium ion batteries: Thermal aspects
Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2014 |
Verstehen, was im Silo passiert
Rau, S.; Schmidt, S.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2014 |
Comparison of two approaches for treatment of the interface conditions in FV discretization of pore scale models for Li-Ion batteries
Zhang, S.; Iliev, O.; Schmidt, S.; Zausch, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2013 |
Multi-phase-simulation of suspension flow through granular beads in a rotating disk mill
Niedziela, D.; Schmidt, S.; Steiner, K.; Zausch, J. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2013 |
Residual stresses in glasses
Ballauff, M.; Brader, J.M.; Egelhaaf, S.U.; Fuchs, M.; Horbach, J.; Koumakis, N.; Krüger, M.; Laurati, M.; Mutch, K.J.; Petekidis, G.; Siebenbürger, M.; Voigtmann, T.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2013 |
Thermodynamic derivation of a Butler-Volmer model for intercalation in Li-ion batteries
Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2012 |
Transient dynamics in dense colloidal suspensions under shear: Shear rate dependence
Laurati, M.; Mutch, K.J.; Koumakis, N.; Zausch, J.; Amann, C.P.; Schofield, A.B.; Petekidis, G.; Brady, J.F.; Horbach, J.; Fuchs, M.; Egelhaaf, S.U. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2012 |
On some model reduction approaches for simulations of processes in Li-ion battery
Iliev, Oleg; Latz, Arnulf; Zausch, Jochen; Zhang, Shiquan |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2012 |
Report on finite element simulations of electrochemical processes in Li-ion batteries with thermic effects
Taralov, M.; Taralova, V.; Popov, P.; Iliev, O.; Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Bericht Report
2012 |
An overview on the usage of some model reduction approaches for simulations of Li-ion transport in batteries
Iliev, O.; Latz, A.; Zausch, J.; Zhang, S. |
Bericht Report
2012 |
Micro-scale modeling of Li-ion batteries: Parameterization and validation
Less, G.B.; Seo, J.H.; Han, S.; Sastry, A.M.; Zausch, J.; Latz, A.; Schmidt, S.; Wieser, C.; Kehrwald, D.; Fell, S. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Thermodynamic consistent transport theory of Li-ion batteries
Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2011 |
Modeling of species and charge transport in Li-ion batteries based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics
Latz, A.; Zausch, J.; Iliev, O. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2010 |
Thermodynamic consistent transport theory of Li-Ion batteries
Latz, A.; Zausch, J. |
Bericht Report
2010 |
Modeling of species and charge transport in Li-Ion Batteries based on nonequilibrium thermodynamics
Latz, A.; Zausch, J.; Iliev, O. |
Bericht Report
2010 |
Porous materials of electrochemical cells in the CAE design process
Fell, S.; Steiner, K.; Latz, A.; Zausch, J.; Becker, F.J.; Becker, J.; Less, G.B.; Seo, J.H.; Han, S.; Sastry, A.M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper
2010 |
A combined molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo study of the approach towards phase separation in colloid-polymer mixtures
Zausch, J.; Horbach, J.; Virnau, P.; Binder, K. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2009 |
Statics and dynamics of colloid-polymer mixtures near their critical point of phase separation: A computer simulation study of a continuous Asakura-Oosawa model
Zausch, Jochen; Virnau, Peter; Binder, Kurt; Horbach, Jürgen; Vink, Richard L. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2009 |
The build-up and relaxation of stresses in a glass-forming soft-sphere mixture under shear
Zausch, J.; Horbach, J. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article
2009 |
Dynamics, rheology and critical properties of colloidal fluid mixtures: Molecular dynamics studies in equilibrium and under shear
Zausch, Jochen |
Dissertation Doctoral Thesis
2008 |
From equilibrium to steady state: The transient dynamics of colloidal liquids under shear
Zausch, J.; Horbach, J.; Laurati, M.; Egelhaaf, S.; Brader, J.M.; Voigtmann, T.; Fuchs, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article