Profil Julia Orlik


  • Homogenisierung in periodischen Strukturen
  • Asymptotische Methoden für PDEs
  • Angewandte Analysis
  • Elastizität / Viskoelastizität / Plastizität für Faser-(Partikel-)Verbundwerkstoffe, Poröse Materialien, Textilien
  • Festigkeit / Lebensdauer / Ermüdung / Verschleiß
  • Multiskalige Kontaktprobleme
  • Modellierung von Knocheneinwachsen bzw. -umbau




  • Griso, G.; Migunova, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Homogenization via unfolding in periodic layer with contact.
    Submitted in Asymptotic Analysis, arXiv:1511.07744, ~24.11.2015.
  • Griso, G.; Migunova, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Asymptotic analysis for domains separated by a thin layer made of periodic vertical beams.
    submitted in SIAM Journal Math. Anal. (SIMA), arXiv:1511.04620, 20.07.2015 (under review).
  • Orlik, J.; Shiryaev, V.:
    Evolutional contact with Coulomb's friction on a periodic Microstructure.
    Integral Methods in Science and Engineering, Springer Book, 321843 ed. By Constanda, 2015.


Sammlung der Publikationen von Julia Orlik in der Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2024 Homogenization of Helmholtz equation in a periodic layer to study Faraday cage-like shielding effects
Aiyappan, Srinivasan; Griso, Georges; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2024 On the ultimate strength of heterogeneous slender structures based on multi-scale stress decomposition
Orlik, Julia; Neusius, David; Steiner, Konrad; Krier, Maxime
Journal Article
2024 Homogenization based heating control for moist paperboard with evaporation on the pore surface
Orlik, Julia; Khilkov, Viacheslav; Rief, Stefan; Andrä, Heiko
Journal Article
2023 Efficient simulation of flow-induced deformation of woven filter media
Krier, Maxime; Kirsch, Ralf; Mercier, Christian; Orlik, Julia; Rief, Stefan; Steiner, Konrad
Conference Paper
2023 Periodic unfolding for anisotropically bounded sequences
Falconi, Riccardo; Griso, Georges; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2023 Variational modeling of paperboard delamination under bending
Conti, S.; Dondl, P.; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2023 Asymptotic behavior for textiles with loose contact
Orlik, Julia; Falconi, Riccardo; Griso, Georges; Wackerle, Stephan
Journal Article
2022 Symbolic homogenization and structure optimization for a periodically perforated cylindrical shell
Hauck, Michael; Orlik, Julia; Levandovskyy, Viktor; Lykhachova, Olga
Journal Article
2022 Periodic unfolding for lattice structures
Falconi, Riccardo; Griso, Georges; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2022 Asymptotic Behavior of 3D Unstable Structures Made of Beams
Griso, G.; Khilkova, Larysa; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2021 Asymptotic Behavior of Stable Structures Made of Beams
Griso, G.; Khilkova, L.; Orlik, J.; Sivak, O.
Journal Article
2021 Recent Efforts in Modeling and Simulation of Textiles
Orlik, Julia; Krier, Maxime; Neusius, David; Pietsch, Kathrin; Sivak, Olena; Steiner, Konrad
Journal Article
2021 Asymptotic analysis for periodic perforated shells
Griso, G.; Hauck, M.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2021 Simulation of Leather Visco-Elastic Behavior Based on Collagen Fiber-Bundle Properties and a Meso-Structure Network Model
Dietrich, S.; Lykhachova, O.; Cheng, X.; Godehardt, M.; Kronenberger, M.; Meyer, M.; Neusius, D.; Orlik, J.; Schladitz, K.; Schulz, H.; Steiner, K.; Voigt, D.
Journal Article
2020 The way to design a textile with required critical folding deformation
Wackerle, S.; Orlik, J.; Hauck, M.; Lykhachova, O.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2020 Asymptotic Behavior for Textiles
Griso, G.; Orlik, J.; Wackerle, S.
Journal Article
2020 Asymptotic behavior for textiles in von-Kármán regime
Griso, G.; Orlik, J.; Wackerle, S.
Journal Article
2020 Homogenization of Perforated Elastic Structures
Griso, G.; Khilkova, L.; Orlik, J.; Sivak, O.
Journal Article
2019 Homogenization of contact problem with Coulomb's friction on periodic cracks
Griso, G.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2019 3D image based structural analysis of leather for macroscopic structure - property simulation
Dietrich, S.; Schulz, H.; Hauch, K; Schladitz, K.; Godehardt, M.; Orlik, J.; Neusius, D.
Conference Paper
2018 Optimization of buckling for textiles
Wackerle, S.; Pinnau, R.; Orlik, J.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Extension of one-dimensional models for hyperelastic string structures under Coulomb friction with adhesion
Shiryaev, V.; Neusius, D.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2018 Simulation and Experimental Validation of Spacer Fabrics Based on their Structure and Yarn's Properties
Orlik, J.; Pietsch, K.; Fassbender, A.; Sivak, O.; Steiner, K.
Journal Article
2017 A one-dimensional computational model for hyperelastic string structures with Coulomb friction
Shiryaev, Vladimir; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2017 Does the weaving and knitting pattern of a fabric determine its relaxation time?
Orlik, J.; Andrä, H.; Argatov, I.; Staub, S.
Journal Article
2017 Design optimization in periodic structural plates under the constraint of anisotropy
Hauck, M.; Klar, A.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2017 Asymptotic analysis for domains separated by a thin layer made of periodic vertical beams
Griso, G.; Migunova, Anastasia; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2016 Optimization of textile-like materials via homogenization and beam approximations
Orlik, Julia; Panasenko, Grigory; Shiryaev, Vladimir
Journal Article
2016 Homogenization via unfolding in periodic layer with contact
Griso, Georges; Migunova, Anastasia; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2016 Non homogeneous Dirichlet conditions for an elastic beam: An asymptotic analysis
Bare, Z.; Orlik, Julia; Panasenko, G.
Journal Article
2016 Simulation of elastic properties of spacer fabrics and its effective permeability at different compression states
Fassbender, A.; Orlik, J.; Pietsch, K.; Rief, S.; Shamanskiy, A.
Conference Paper
2015 Evolutional contact with Coulomb friction on a periodic microstructure
Orlik, Julia; Shiryaev, Vladimir
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 Asymptotic approximations of a thin elastic beam with auxiliary coupled 1D system due to Robin boundary condition
Baré Contreras, D.Z.; Orlik, J.; Panasenko, G.
Conference Paper
2015 Homogenization via unfolding in periodic layer with contact
Griso, Georges; Migunova, Anastasia; Orlik, Julia
2015 Modeling of textiles as nets of one-dimensional hyperelastic strings with friction controlled by capstan equation
Shiryaev, Vladimir; Orlik, Julia
Conference Paper
2015 Asymptotic analysis for domains separated by a thin layer made of periodic vertical beams
Griso, Georges; Migunova, Anastasia; Orlik, Julia
2014 Homogenization in periodically heterogeneous elastic bodies with multiple micro-contact
Fillep, S.; Orlik, J.; Baré Contreras, D.Z.; Steinmann, P.
Journal Article
2014 Asymptotic dimension reduction of a Robin-type elasticity boundary value problem in thin beams
Bare, D.Z.; Orlik, J.; Panasenko, G.
Journal Article
2014 Modelling and design optimization of textiles via homogenization
Shiryaev, V.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2014 An asymptotic approximation for a three dimensional linear elasticity problem with Robin boundary condition in a thick cylinder
Baré Contreras, D.Z.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2013 Homogenization via unfolding in periodic elasticity with contact on closed and open cracks
Cioranescu, Doina; Damlamian, Alain; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2013 Tensile-bending coupling in the limitting 1D beam equations resulting from the frictional contact
Bare, Z.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2013 One-dimensional computational model for a periodic hyperelastic string structure under Coulomb friction
Orlik, J.; Bare, Z.; Shiryaev, V.
Conference Paper
2013 Evolutional contact with Coulomb's friction on a periodic microstructure
Orlik, J.; Shiryaev, V.
Journal Article
2012 Asymptotics for thin elastic fibers in unilateral contact
Bare, Zoufine; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2012 Two-scale homogenization in transmission problems of elasticity with interface jumps
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2011 Asymptotics for a thin elastic fiber in contact with a rigid foundation
Bare, Zoufine; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2010 Asymptotic homogenization algorithm for reinforced metal-matrix elasto-plastic composites
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2009 Homogenization for contact problems with known microroughness of the contacting surfaces
Orlik, J.; Zhurov, A.
Journal Article
2009 Existence and stability estimate for the solution of the ageing hereditary linear viscoelasticity problem
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2009 Asymptotic homogenization technique for stress and strength for some non-linear elastic problems with near periodic structure
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2008 Homogenization in elasto-plasticity
Orlik, J.
2008 Structural simulation of a bone-prosthesis system of the knee joint
Andrä, H.; Battiato, Sebastiano; Bilotta, Guiseppe; Farinella, Giovanni M.; Impoco, Gaetano; Orlik, Julia; Russo, Giovanni; Zemitis, Aivars; Andrä, Heiko
Journal Article
2008 Homogenization for contact problems with friction on rough interface
Orlik, Julia; Nam, Alexander
Journal Article
2008 Space-time finite element approximation and numerical solution of hereditary linear viscoelasticity problems
Orlik, J.; Ostrovska, A.
Journal Article
2007 Homogenization of strength, fatigue and creep durability of composites with periodic structure
Orlik, J.; Mikhailov, S.E.
Conference Paper
2007 Multiscale solution of the mechanical contact between coated knee prosthesis and bone
Orlik, Julia; Zemitis, Aivars; Andrä, Heiko
Conference Paper
2007 Calculation of effective mechanical properties of textiles by asymptotic approach
Nam, Alexander; Orlik, Julia
Journal Article
2006 Space-time finite element approximation and numerical solution of hereditary linear viscoelasticity problems
Orlik, J.; Ostrovska, A.
2005 Homogenization of strength, fatigue and creep durability of composites with near periodic structure
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2004 Homogenization for contact problems with periodically rough surfaces
Orlik, J.
2003 Asymptotic homogenization in strength and fatigue durability analysis of composites
Mikhailov, S.E.; Orlik, J.
Conference Paper
2003 On the secondary stability of coated cementless hip replacement
Orlik, J.; Zhurov, A.; Middleton, J.
Journal Article
2003 Asymptotic homogenisation in strength and fatigue durability analysis of composites
Mikhailov, S.E.; Orlik, J.
2002 Homogenised macrocontact condition between cementless hip implant and bone
Orlik, J.; Zhurov, A.; Middleton, J.
Conference Paper
2002 Homogenization methods and macro-strength of composites
Mikhajlov, S.E.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2002 Homogenization for viscoelasticity composites with prescribed interface jumps in displacements and stresses
Orlik, J.
Conference Paper
2002 Deriving the macrocontact condition between cementless hip replacement and bone from the microgeometry of the replacement coating
Orlik, J.; Zhurov, A.; Middleton, J.
Conference Paper
2001 Homogenization in integral viscoelasticity
Mikhailov, S.E.; Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2000 Transmission problem for viscoelastic aging
Orlik, J.
Journal Article
2000 Transmission and homogenization in hereditary viscoelasticity with ageing and shrinkage
Orlik, Julia
Doctoral Thesis
1999 Modelling and identification of dental restorative materials
Orlik, J.; Hubsch, P.; Middleton, J.; Seibold, S.
Conference Paper
1998 Homogenization for viscoelasticity of the integral type with aging and shrinkage
Orlik, J.
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Weitere Publikationen

  • Cioranescu, D.; Damlamian, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Two-scale analysis for homogenization of multi-scale contact problems in elasticity.
    Asymptotic Analysis, Vol. 82, No. 3-4, 2013.
  • Bare, Z.; Fillep, S.; Orlik, J.; Steinmann, P.:
    Homogenization of elasticity in periodically heterogeneous bodies with contact on the microstructural elements.
    Mathematics & Mechanics of Solids, 2013.
  • Bare, Z.; Orlik, J.; Panasenko, G.:
    Asymptotics for 3D elasticity problem with Robin interface condition in a thin fiber.
    Aplicable Analysis, 2013.
  • Nam, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Simulation of the Effective Properties of Heterogeneous Textile Layer by Asymptotic Approach.
    GAMM 2010.
  • Bare; Contreras, Z.; A. Nam; Orlik, J.:
    Asymptotics for Thin Fibers Being in Contact.
    GAMM 2010.
  • Andrä, H.; Iliev, O.; Nam, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Effective mechanical properties of technical textiles via asymptotic homogenization.
    Structural Membrane 2009 conference.
  • Andrä, H.; Iliev, O.; Nam, A.; Orlik, J.:
    Calculation of effective mechanical properties of technical textile via asymptotic homogenization.
    poster session, International Conference on Challenges of Porous Media, Kaiserslautern 2009.
  • Andrä, H.; Orlik, J.;Schulz, V. ; Steiner, K.; Zemitis, A.:
    Software KneeMech for Structural Simulation of the Bone-Prosthesis-System.
    Berichte des Fraunhofer ITWM, 2008.
  • Orlik, J.:
    Approach for average elastic and shrinkage composite properties calculation and its application to dental filling material.
    Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM), Vo.79, Suppl. 2, p.429-430, 1999.
  • Hubsch, P.; Middleton, J.; Orlik, J.; Seibold, S.:
    Identification of the visco-elastic properties of curing dental composites.
    Recent Advances in Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, Lisbon, Oct 1999.
  • Mikhajlov, S.E.; Orlik, J.:
    Equivalent elastic and shrinkage composite properties and their application to the hardening of the filling for teeth.
    Damage and Fracture Mechanics: Computer aided assessment and control, ed. by A. Carpentery and C. A. Brebbia, Computational Mechanics Publ., pp. 217-227, 1998.