A collection of publications by Manfred Bäcker in the Fraunhofer-Publica
Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2024 | Potentials and Possibilities of Using the Physical Tire Model CDTire/3D in the Derivation of Tire Envelopes in Vehicle Development Calabrese, Francesco; Burkhart, Christoph; Gallrein, Axel; Bäcker, Manfred; Leister, Günter |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Tire Model to Feature Multi Body Simulation Based NVH Assessment of a Car Including Air Cavity Effects Kindt, Peter; Petry, Frank; Barbaglia, Giulio; Uil, Rutger; Milata, Michal; Uhlar, Stefan; Kunicky, Zdenek; Bäcker, Manfred; Gallrein, Axel; Calabrese, Francesco |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2022 | Hardware-in-the-Loop-Simulation mit erweiterten physikalischen Reifenmodellen zur virtuellen Erprobung von Steuergeräten Bilgic Istoc, Sami; Bäcker, Manfred; Calabrese, Francesco; Burkhart, Christoph; Hagemann, Lorraine |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Virtual Tire Design/Assessment in the Early Vehicle Development Process Calabrese, F.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Ran, S. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | Hardware and Virtual Test-Rigs for Automotive Steel Wheels Design Rovarino, D.; Actis Comino, L.; Bonisoli, E.; Rosso, C.; Venturini, S.; Velardocchia, M.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Bericht Report |
2020 | Exploring Simulator Technology for Tire Development Calabrese, F.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2020 | A Methodology for Automotive Steel Wheel Life Assessment Rovarino, D.; Actis Comino, L.; Bonisoli, E.; Rosso, C.; Venturini, S.; Velardocchia, M.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Bericht Report |
2019 | Managing the variety of potential tire / wheel sizes in the early vehicle development process Calabrese, F.; Dusini, L.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2019 | Virtual tire pre-development using the CDTire model suite Rutger, U.; Petry, F.; Calabrese, F.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | SIMULATION - Simulation of a tire blow-out in a full vehicle scenario Calabrese, F.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Leister, G. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Dynamic simulation of the inflation gas of a tire under operational conditions Gallrein, A.; Bäcker, M.; Calabrese, F. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | A study of parameter identification for a thermal-mechanical tire model based on flat track measurements Calabrese, F.; Ludwig, C.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Einfluss der Dynamik des Füllgases des Reifens auf Betriebszustände Gallrein, A.; Bäcker, M.; Calabrese, F. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2017 | Parameter-Identifikation eines thermo-mechanischen Reifenmodells basierend auf Flachbahn-Messungen Calabrese, F.; Ludwig, C.; Bäcker, M.; Gailrein, A. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 | Noise, vibration, harshness model of a rotating tyre Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Roller, M. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2016 | Simulation of a sudden tire inflation pressure loss in a full vehicle context as a validation scenario for CAE based ESC development Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Calabrese, F.; Mansvelders, R. |
Bericht Report |
2016 | Simulation des Reifenabriebs zur Bewertung von Nachlauflenkachskonzepten Brand, A.; Bäcker, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2016 | Prediction of rolling resistance and tread wear of tires in realistic commercial vehicle application scenarios Steidel, S.; Halfmann, T.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A. |
Bericht Report |
2015 | Evaluation of different modeling approaches for the tire handling simulations - analysis and results Calabrese, F.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, Axel |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2015 | A Method to Combine an MBD Tire Model with a Thermo-dynamical one to improve the accuracy in the tire simulations Calabrese, Francesco; Bäcker, Manfred; Gallrein, Axel |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2015 | NVH model of a rotating tire Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Roller, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2013 | Structural MBD tire models: Evolving from spindle load to deformation measurements Gallrein, A.; Bäcker, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |
2013 | Integration eines detaillierten, flexiblen Reifenmodells in den Fraunhofer Fahrsimulator Burger, M.; Bäcker, M.; Gallrein, A.; Kleer, M. |
Konferenzbeitrag Conference Paper |