Conference / October 12, 2022 - October 13, 2022
DVM Tagung: Betriebsfestigkeit – Wissensmanagement und Methodenentwicklung entlang der Wertschöpfungskette
Structural Durability – Knowledge Management and Method Development along the Value Chain
The conference will focus on new testing methods in combination with numerical simulation, issues related to the value chain and the sustainable development of components up to the end of life of the components. The focus is on applications in the passenger car and commercial vehicle sector, but all branches of mechanical engineering that have structural components relevant to fatigue strength in their portfolio are confronted with the conference contents described.
Our colleagues Dr. Michael Burger and Dr. Michael Speckert from the division »Mathematics for Vehicle Engineering« will be present with a booth and a presentation on the topic »Model- and Data-based Load Data Prediction and Collective Optimization«.
The following key topics will be discussed at the conference:
- New design and validation methods
- Optimized design, verification and validation
- Alternative material and manufacturing processes
- Material parameters and defect tolerance
- Artificial intelligence and predictive maintenance